Friday, May 11, 2007




















Self was not yet in the picture, he didn’t get it.
He was standing against the fireplace with his back reflected into the mirror behind him. Without saying a word, he removed his elbow from the mantelpiece – a pose that had lent him a most interesting aspect, one that Razar hadn’t witnessed before. A new Self who Razar didn’t know.
Twicklewood Cottage was shared accommodation. It was on an average street, but it stood out as ‘Twicklewood Cottage’ A gate led you through a white painted, wooden
Pickett fence, onto a well kept green lawn, with a pathway, snaking its way through a small orchard of eight crab-apple trees, divided in half, running horizontally towards the cottage, which was thirties built mock Tudor.
Twicklewood Cottage is where Self, Razar and Marty met up each or every other week, to basically have a gripe. Each evening centred on a different person. You know these guys know each other – well you’d have thought at least they would,
Having known each other for between eight and fifteen years.
You drink as you want to continue, towards loosing a sense of touch.
Finding himself facing his two friends, Self felt a sudden pang – of remorse perhaps.
Later on from last week, before what had happened, Self reminisced, tears welling up,
He mumbled, spitting out “ be carefull what you wish for – you might just get it.”
Everything that was spoken in this moment has its roots firmly planted in the past. Little nigglely things that never seem to go away or be answered but continue to grow to a devastating effect.
Self’s drug and alcohol fuelled voice had let him down, before, and on many an occasion, and indeed Self had lost his voice sometime a while back which led him to become and be known as Self. Maybe it was this discovery of his voice which led him to lose it.
An evenings drinking with your mates should start as it was meant to go on.
“I think your nothing but a little prankster” Self retorted. “Your setting this thing up and your not delivering the punch line and I can’t help but feel cheated, I give and I
give and I give, and all I want to know is what sucks. How do I find a decent voice.
What questions do I have to ask of myself, to know whats crap and whats not. Whats the problem ? Don’t you just wish that stuff could be easier ? Self reflected.
“That’s your job” sniffed Razar. At this moment Razar’s languid stare sent him gazing out through the cottage window into the opaque lavender-grey fog of the evening.
“I’m just not getting the conversations that I need – I clam up and might appear aggressive and difficult. I’m just crap” Self said, cheering himself up.
“The adding and subtracting of words, the regret and effect they have on other words,
then again saying a word over and over again, to hear all its meanings and connotations until the word becomes devoid of all meaning” pause “what should I do? Self went on speaking in a trance like state. “Tell me – my works shit – I’m not going to crumble, I’m just going to work it out” stumbled Self. “And I feel so lonely” he continued.
“You are an artist Self – this is your territory” injected Razar.
“Oh please tell me Razar” Self pleaded.
“Your asking too much” responded Razar.
“You want the whole story, do you ? Your not worth it, its just too difficult for me to retell” Self confessed.
“More drinks ? Marty interrupted “have you changed the subject yet ? Or should I be making some nibbles” he continued, without getting an answer he turned returning to the pantry-fyed kitchen.
“Well actually I only read it once and I know I didn’t get it” Razar tried to explain.
“Your denying me because I’m not aggressive enough” “I wish things could be easier” Self reflected.
“There are ways you know” Razar instigated.
“What do you mean ways” inquired Self.
Marty had side stepped the whole issue, by busying himself with getting more drinks.
He was fussing about in the kitchen making one hell of a racket.
Razar was now searching for his shoulder bag while in the background, Mick ‘the Lips’ sings out from the radio “You can’t always git what you want – but you can try en sometimes you might git what you need – Woo ! Woo !
Self had always thought of shoulder bags, purses and pouches as being rather maternal, and secretly smiled to himself thinking of the number of men who’ve fallen victim of the need to possess one. Like we need to carry all this stuff for our survival.
Where would we be without a cell phone, a comb, brush, deoderant, electric shaver,address book, novel, magazine, scarf or sweater and gum.
The bluster of the winds gently fighting outside gave a certain comfort to be inside, by the warmth of the fireplace, listening to the Stones and Marty in the background.
“I have this which was passed onto me by a great friend of mine, who is no longer with us. Its meant to grant you three wishes.”spoke razar as a matter of fact.
At this point Razar brought from his bag, a small ugly grub of a thing.
“It’s a monkey’s paw, its from a species of monkey that’s closest to man” Razar confided. I was told never to use it unless I was truly sure of what I wanted because you can only be granted three wishes. I guess truth is a good thing to want, so I can loan it to you with faith that it will be used for good” Razar continued.
“Razar your just so crazy man” Self teased, while receiving the paw to inspect.
At this point Marty returns to the room with a large tray of drinks and a feast of cheeses, pickles, dips, meats and bread.
“HERES MARTY ! “ Marty scowls in a wonderful grimace of a parody of himself.
Only to go flying across the room, sending the food and drinks crashing.
“OHH my ankle” Marty cries while sprawled amid all the food, drinks and stuff that is littered as a spray across the room.
“Marty be careful of my work, these are my only copies, Marty look what you’ve done” Self shouted. In an instant all the colour drained from Self’s face.
“What about me” wimpered Marty.
“You’re an arsehole” Self shouted.
“Calm down Self” intervened Razar “It’ll be alright”
“He’s destroyed all my work you fuckwitt !” screamed an hysterical Self.
“Self calm down now ! Its not his fault !” pleaded Razar.
“Why are you sticking up for him you asshole – I wish the both of you would just piss off and disappear !” with that Self realized that his hand was throbbing - feeling this he looked down to his hands where the monkey’s paw was still held by his now flushed hand. He became silent and returned his gaze to Rasar and Marty. Shockingly they were not there. Self ran to the window, he could see nothing but the fog. He then ran to the front door where apon opening it there became a silent void, on seeing this Self fell to his knees letting slip the paw which fell, and he continued to look and listen to discern a final sound or vision.


( don’t give em credit )

The underlining true reflection of what society thinks ( they say one thing, but you know they think something totally different.
David Copeland ( the nail bomber ) what a loser, but we created him, we nourished him. If he hadn’t read through the dogma of trash newspapers and understood all the vulgar generalizations of the public that he was unfortunate enough to meet, he might possibly have turned out differently.
Take the frame away ( you’re a mass murderer ) you do not go down in history. You are no-one, wipe away your existence because you have no purpose.
We are not talking about political leaders, we are speaking about senseless murderers
Who long to become famous.
Don’t encourage them – help finish them – don’t give them justification.
Get rid of them – don’t give them press – don’t give them the fame they crave.
One of their sick justifications being : I’m sick – I’m nobody – I’ll just take someone out and become a bit of history.
A persons importance is equal to their media profile – What crap ! Media people are whores ! And in old Indian culture, performers ( actors ) are the lowest cast.
ART and EGO are very close lovers
There are great actors that are artists, but there are many more that are simply whores
In for a quick buck because its easy, and feels good for the ego.
Other thoughts :
The psychological movements of the contemporary soul
Violence is the vehicle for change
“ The only thing to do is to be, the only thing to do is to live “.
“ Let each man proclaim: There is a great negative work of destruction to be accomplished.”
Bacteria will conquer all
Bacteria will inherit the earth
Because of its sense of purpose – for survival
To infect and kill – kill and grow to have power
The murderer as the highest level of our species
Murderers as having more validity with nature
Because of their closeness to their direct animal instincts
Distinct voices:
The reactionary – don’t give murderers the fame they crave
Liberals – I agree with one another
Left side of the brain: I don’t believe in the censorship of anything.
Censorship is good for whom ?

An eye for an eye – I say

Destruction and Creation

There is no creation without destruction
We create in order to destroy
Destroying in order to create – creating in order to destroy.

ego and expression


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York


Subtitled ( fashion exists as signposts in time )

Pop Art was a reaction to the hegemony of the Abstract Expressionists, as minimalism was a reaction to the hegemony of the Pop Art movement.
Because of the idealism of Clement Greenberg, advocating his desire for a
somewhat singular, purest painterly aesthetic, through this vision he created
the impulse for a reaction against this ideology – for artists to rebel and seek
its opposite.
Johns, Rauchenberg, Warhol, and Lichenstien wanted to hang out with the
“Hot “artists of the time – Pollock, De Kooning, Kline, and Rothko at the Cedar
Tavern “ the cathedral of American culture in the fifties “ said Norman Bluhm,
an artist. But the older established painters didn’t want to have anything to do
with these rather fey young artists. The heavy sided male macho scene of the
Cedar Bar didn’t have a place for supposed artists who supported their art practice
by dressing windows at Bonwitt Teller, as Johns and Rauchenberg did, and of
course Warhol would latter dress the windows with his paintings.No serious
exertensialist artist would ever concider doing such a “ cheap “ thing.
Modernism had characteristically discarded objects and representation in favor of an abstracted art. This new generation of artist were aware of the weight accorded to the abstract expressionists, who were promoted extensively in America and Europe, as the “true” American art. Abstract Expressionism had accrued a critical vocabulary by eminent apologists, such as Clement Greeberg and Herald Rosenberg, who regarded it as the true heir of modern art proper and the flagbearer for modernisn.
“Abstract Expressionism and modernism became synonymous”. ( 1 )
Now, if you can’t join the club you trash it and try to get up the noses of those that
dismiss you, you parody, you undermine their seriousness by doing exactly that
which you know they would hate ( be totally reactionary )
Johns and Rauchenberg used found objects and cast things as well as pictorial images,
and scored them with faux abstract expressionist gestural brushstrokes, particularly
mimicking De Kooning and Kline. Warhol’s Marilyn ,parodies De Kooning’s women
series of paintings and drawings which often had collaged lips,of Monroe’s frozen smile amongst the surface of his gestural painting and drawings.
Lichenstien presents a dislocated gestural brushstroke as an advertising, comic strip
commodity. All this must have surely grated the nerves of Greenberg and his gang
of purest formalist artists, who he championed.
Each art movement is a reaction to that which has preceeded them, somewhat like
a child’s relationship with their parents from puberty through to 18-21 years of age,
when parents are viewed as just so uncool, and you don’t want to know
want to distance yourself from them so you can become truly your ownself.
Pop Art as distancing itself from that which it once loved. Minimalism as a reaction
Against Pop, etcetera etcetera, as fashion as signposts, pinpricks of time.

( 1 ) Jasper Johns – by Richard Francis, Abbeville Press, New York

Adapted Endgame for film

ENDGAME by Samuel Beckett

Finished, it’s finished, nearly finished, it must be nearly finished,
Anymore, no doubt, a(he yawns)-bsolute, emptier, alone, enough, it’s time, it ended
To end, it’s time it ended, to end, gone all white, had enough, always had, nothing more, then we’ll die, enough, dying, time, no one else, nowhere else, leaving, once,
Kill me , there are none, leave, death, be off , leaving me, never, forgotten, no more, no more, forgotten us, no one, ever, dying, dying, can die, end of the day, always,
End of the day, be off, asleep, can’t, after day, lost, yesterday, ah yesterday, hardly,
Hardly, failed, crashed, lost, perished, then go, go in, once, keeping me, go, I won’t have it, you’re keeping, wouldn’t catch me, nothing, anything else, still, any more,
Anything else, leave you, leave me, leave you, you go, back, yesterday, ah yesterday,
Means nothing, you’d die, went out, day before, drowned, nothing else, every time,
That’s the lot, never told, make it short, god damn you to hell, silence, bottom
Have you not finished, will you never finish, will this never finish, clear away, chuck it, no pulse, go away, is that all, what else, time enough, too soon, it wouldn’t act, he’s dead, too far to the left, too far to the right, too far forward, too far back, kill him, die happy, deadly, I don’t, zero, zero, and zero, nothing stirs, all is, content, same, never,
Left, all gone, nothing, zero, already, no, light black, pole to pole, day after day, never, last, its course, mean something, mean something, came back, wouldn’t, long enough, what it is, with out going so far, moments, for nothing, spirit, spirit, let’s go,
Carry us away, far away, god forbid, alone, immediately, tomorrow, gone for ever,
Start straight away, wait, no, I want, blind, void, for ever, close, sleep, no wall anymore, infinite emptiness, resurrected dead, won’t be any one left, certain, forgot, what the hell, come to a standstill, simply stop, stand still, stop, leave you, leave you, leave us, leave you, finish us, finish me, finish you, finish me, leave you, remember,
Remember, same answer, nothing like them, you were, this was that, no father, no home, I’ll leave you, never, down a hole, beyond, nearly, forgotten, finished, at the end, finished, finish, I’ll leave you, extinguished, it’s extinguished, it’s extinguished,
She’s extinguished, buriedburied, have buried her, bury me, bury you, you’re not able to, won’t do it any more, won’t be able to do it, everything has to be explained,
Yesterday, yesterday, yesterday, that means that bloody awful day, long ago,bloody awful day, don’t mean anything , any more, silent, end of the world, snatch away, forgotten, was not so, way back, way back, gone on long enough, a day like any other day, as long as it lasts, leave you, can’t follow, leave me, I’ve left you, good-bye, mearly dead, result, mearly dead, corpses, whole universe, hell, universe, any more, leave me, don’t come, I’m gone, I’m dead, fit to wake the dead, the end, I’ll leave you, it’s finished, we’re finished, nearly finished, no more, enough of that, I’ve done that bit, zero, was nothing, down among the dead, plunge, not a soul, existed, beyond, alone, up the dead, away, there’s no cure, zero, cooled down, on the way, wasn’t much longer for this world, die death, the end, still alive, have finished, exterminated,
Finish him later, silence, in silence, off we go, nothing doing, he doesn’t exist, not yet, no longer exists, there is nothing in the world, now are ended, gone, not there,
Clear everything away, silent and still, last place, last dust, I’ll leave you, it’s fatal, not very far, in spite of everything, nevertheless, nothing, than nothing, stopped there,
Soon to be the end, drained, dead, the way of it, there already, closed, no more navigators, I won’t kiss you anywhere, I’ll leave you, I won’t touch you, I’ll leave

you, kill, he’ll die, for nothing, grieve, no cure for that, the end, end it, it will be the end, all over, done with, gone too far, let’s get it over, gone, dead, in spirit only, be dead, it’s death, at last, never get any more, empty, winding up, any more, end, to end, passes over, as ever, never there, without me, clear enough, the axe, stop playing, nothing, nothing, don’t need you any more, leave you, nothing, end up, dying of, have nothing, extinguished, never, nothing, exit, endgame lost, and lose and have done with losing,